About Us Hospitality Osteria Emporium
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Welcoming means "receiving gladly into oneʼs home", and this is what we love to do at Ca' Lunae. Welcome you with enthusiasm and attention, trying to give you a piece of our history, our land and our work to create for you a living experience that you will talk about and remember for years to come.

The borgo is used for a variety of events and activities. Within the carefully renovated buildings, restored by architect Tiziano Lera, respecting the style and materials that characterized their ancient history, we have created the Enoteca, the Tasting Room, the Liquoreria, and the Museum of Wine, as well as the Garden, the Garden of Aromas, and the Vineyard.

Our Philosophy

Ca' Lunae is the heart and reception center of Cantine Lunae. The place where all our activities converge and come together working in harmony with each other, creating a complete 360° food and wine experience.

The Roots of Our Story

The collection of buildings that compose Ca' Lunae are the result of a philosophy and a history strongly rooted in the territory. They represent the typical rural complex of ancient Lunae and were built, in the mid-18th century, with an intended use that is still visible today. Here we maintain the traditional animalsʼ stable with the barn above, the cellar, the farmers' houses, the farmyard, the vegetable garden and its chicken coop, and the natural well that provides water for agricultural uses and the entire farm.

Create your own private visit

We are the custodians of this story:
by listening to it, we carry it into the future.

The Wine Shop

The Ca' Lunae wine shop is the place where Lunae's philosophy and hard work are truly represented through its products. This is the place where the unique character of each wine, expressing its own terroir of origin, is exalted and enhanced by the work that created all of them, perfectly demonstrating the commitment of Paolo Bosoni and the technical staff at the winery.

Book a Tasting

The Museum

The Ca' Lunae Museum is housed in the traditional rooms of the old manor and dedicated to the culture of wine. Developed from a collection of ancient objects and discoveries, personally collected by Paolo Bosoni over 30 years of research, the items were classified and cataloged under the guidance of experts and historians of the sector. Through the ancient agricultural equipment, the museum creates an evocative look at traditional peasant life in the historic area of Lunae.

Book a visit

Bringing memories into the present.

The Liqueur Laboratory

Essentiae has been given a new and prestigious location within Ca' Lunae: a new laboratory for the preparation of liqueurs and an area for packaging. Through a large window overlooking the farmyard, you will be able to discover and understand the ancient production methods.

Discover our products

We are the custodians of this story: by listening to it, we carry it into the future.

The Vegetable Garden

Ca' Lunae surprises with wonderful little corners to discover. One of these is the traditional garden dedicated to aromatic herbs and vegetables. It is a small space that brings us back to the tradition and the wonders that this land continues to give us. Every day we celebrate the greatness and bounty of the earth, its wonderful fruits and its unforgettable flavors.

Discover our Emporium

Every day we celebrate the richness of the Earth and its fruit.

Domande Frequenti

Come possiamo aiutarti?






We await you

You will find us in Via Palvotrisia, 2 - 19033 – Castelnuovo Magra – La Spezia – Liguria 
You can write to us at [email protected]
Or phone us on +39 0187 693483

Via Palvotrisia, 2

19030 Castelnuovo Magra

La Spezia – Liguria

Partita iva 00985000116

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